Valuable Time Saving And Well-being Tip

What is one thing that fritters away time?  It puts a needless drain on our minds and seldom, if at all does it give any meaningful and desirable benefit.

Spending time looking at our phone or mobile devices is one of the most unproductive uses of our time.  We could be doing others things including relaxing.

I am a big advocate of technology and all the wonders we can get from it. 

However, I am talking about the pointless time we pick up our phones because it has become a non-productive habit.

I came across this article on Grayscaling phones.  It is a simple and practical way to cut the time we waste on meaninglessly looking at our phones/devices. 

"The process for enabling grayscale differs for different models of Android phones, but it’s typically accessed via the “Accessibility” menu. In iOS 10, go to Settings > General > Accessibility >Display Accommodations >Colour Filters. Switch Colour Filters on and select Grayscale. To easily toggle between colour and grayscale, go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut > Colour Filters. Now, you just press the home button three times to enable grayscale. Triple-click again to go back to colour.

You can get the full instructions here.  

Lots of people in the last couple of days have asked me how to do it and find this simple and practical approach fascinating. I hope it helps you if you need to break this habit too.


© Paul Rodden 2017

If time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality. Benjamin Franklin

PS Here is another article that gives you more knowledge on smart phone addiction which is now called, “nomophobia” (short for no-mobile-phone phobia).



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