Potential Converted Into The Results

How To Attain The Attitude And Effectiveness You Need To Produce Results That Reflect You Being At Your Very Best!

A Pragmatic Approach To Attainment & Achievement

Each Step Has Been Hand Crafted To Make Effective Performance A Brand NEW Habit!


The mind works in questions

A great way to develop your awareness so that you can enjoy better results is to ask better questions. Questions can really make people aware of things that they are simply not conscious of. For example, I routinely ask people who attend my talks and programs the following questions:

  • Do you ever self-criticise?
  • Is it the best and highest use of your mind?
  • Do you still do it?

Their answers make them aware how much and to what extent they self-criticise. Invariably they all answer yes when asked, ‘Do you still do it?’

I then ask, ‘What is the definition of insanity?’ It is doing the same things over and expecting different results. 

Unless you are aware of your self-criticism and to what extent you do it, you can never consciously change this detrimental attack on your self-image. Self-criticism really affects people’s self-image. You can never consistently perform better that the perception you hold of yourself.    

People fall short of being at their very best because their awareness is under-developed. When you allow the same questions and thoughts to go through your mind daily you are going to get the same or similar results.

Why does this pattern sustain itself?

People don’t have:

  •  Awareness of what to change and/or how to
  • Commitment - to take action on what needs to be done  
  • Systems that show them, step-by-step, how to improve and develop
  • Consistent education - they don’t focus on learning more to develop their attitude and effectiveness
  •  Mentors – no regular access to people who can show them by joining the dots for success, teach them and inspire them to keep going when they feel like deviating

The Attitude Of Achievers

The attitude of achievers is mastery because they:

  • Commit – it is really the only way to consistently improve your conditions and circumstances to the ones that you desire.
  •  Use systems that are personalised, based on what works so that they can keep developing their potential.
  • Consistently learn so they are better prepared for forthcoming opportunities and/or challenges.
  • Have been inspired by someone in life who brings out their talents.

In summary, the mindset of achievers is they take one idea that inspires them, seek the most effective way to make it happen, find the next steps to success by taking action, always having their outcome in mind. They use experts/mentors who help to speed things up. 

Better Results, Performance And Conditions Are Your Choice!



Potential Converted Into Results

Designed to be enriching to your earnings, service, performance, well-being and peace of mind.

Be part of a 12-module, interactive program that is designed to convert your unused potential into brand new results. 

Each module has been purposefully designed to produce results in your business and personal life. Action is taken during or directly after each compounding and comprehensive module. Your focus will be directed towards growth and maximum momentum.

Maximum Momentum

After each module an activity sheet or exercise moving you towards a specific business or personal outcome will be completed. Your new results are therefore captured and recorded showing your progress and development.     

Here’s how we are going to progressively spend our time together. You will be learning one idea or strategy in each module to ensure clarity, action and success.


Module 1: Embrace direct, deliberate effort

Direct, deliberate effort is a factor that everyone can improve upon and, when aimed at a specific outcome, will move you forward. Direct, deliberate effort is powerful and is needed repeatedly in attainment and success. Direct and deliberate effort is critical to sustained improvement.

This is why embracing direct, deliberate effort is important…

It will:

  • Take away the myth about how success is achieved
  • Move you into direct and deliberate effort
  • Show you how to personalise effort so you become more effective

You will: 

  • Realise that you have what it takes to convert your potential and transform it into better results and outcomes  
  • Always know, step by step, what is needed to take direct and deliberate action
  • Know direction is ALWAYS before perseverance


Module 2: Decide where you want to be

In order to make your actions successful, your energy must be aimed at a specific outcome.

This is why deciding where you want to be is important… 

 It will:

  • Cause you to align your thinking
  • Focus you on what you need to attain your outcome
  • Awaken your thinking when you are off-target to re-focus

You will:

  • Be emotionally engaged to bring out your very best 
  • Be clear about how you can best contribute to improve what you do
  • See how to generate the conditions you need to succeed


Module 3: Teach your mind to expect your success

Developing a mind that expects the best is paramount to you being at your best. It also adds to your happiness and well-being too.

This is why teaching your mind to expect success is important to you… 

It will:        

  • Make you aware of your thinking so you can always alter it to improve your mindset
  • Show you how and why your thinking generates your conditions for success
  • Develop strong beliefs you can succeed even when it does not feel like it

 You will:

  •  Establish discipline with your thinking
  • Condition a can-do attitude by thinking in a certain way  
  • Know how to generate the right emotions to take you into action

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Module 4: Cause a better paradigm

By causing a better paradigm you will know how to replace thoughts of worry, doubt and fear with ones that are conducive with your innate desire to grow. This switch will reveal the opportunities you need to advance yourself.  

This is why causing a better paradigm is important to you…

It will:

  • Cause better results in your life
  • Reduce worry
  • Give you the awareness you need to continually improve

You will:

  • Know how the creative process works and what it will do for you
  • Learn how a sportsperson went from average to international in just months
  • Be aware that opinions can disrupt the life you desire
  • Become much calmer and relaxed even when things get hectic
  • Learn proven techniques to come up with great solutions to your problems


Module 5: Start more effective habits

A business can double in 8 years with 10% increase per annum; a person can go way beyond this level of increase with more effective habits — 10%, 20%, 50%, even 100%, or more.

 This is why causing a better paradigm is important to you…

It will: 

  • Reveal what the common denominator of success is so you can use it
  • Define 2 strategies that will form successful habits for you 
  • Teach you what the most effective habit is in work so you can master it

 You will:

  • Improve you personal effectiveness
  • Have access to a one-page document that starts your day with your success in mind
  • Bring order to your mind by reducing the mental hurry that results in worry


Module 6: Develop successful habits

Establishing the right habits for your day-to-day life is key for your growth. You are going to learn how to successfully integrate and personalise principles for continued growth.

This is why developing successful habits is important to you…

It will:

  • Help stop or reduce being overwhelmed
  • Provide you with the Bernard Hurst approach to success (it’s A grade material)
  • Alert your mind so you stop doing ineffective tasks

You will:

  • Set up a system to clear your head so you’re not using all your energy on clutter 
  • Be given a great tool to plan out your success
  • Set a challenge to calmly increase your effectiveness
  • Learn a powerful technique that will help you be more effective in just 2 minutes


Module 7: Generate a better attitude 

It can be argued that attitude is the most important word in life. In this ‘not to be missed module’ you are going to be given a 4-step process that will create a wonderful attitude and effective actions. 

This is why generating a better attitude is important to you… 

It will: 

  • Show you how to make your thoughts powerful
  • Demonstrate why the law of cause and effect works with your attitude
  • Reveal how to relax and be positive about your future

You will:

  • Know what your attitude comprises of so you can change it at any time
  • Have the methodology and knowledge to make your actions more effective 
  • Know how to be a person of increase

 Okay I'm ready to register

Module 8: Focus your thinking for growth

You are either thinking for growth or decline. That’s it! You are going to be aware of your thoughts and therefore be able to change them to ones that cultivate your best foot going forward. 

This is why focussing your thinking for growth is important to you…

 It will: 

  • Cut down the amount of time that it takes to achieve better results
  • Teach you a technique to stimulate your senses for success
  • Show you why a slight change makes all the difference

You will:

  • Know how to develop laser-like focus
  • Be inspired by below-average teens who turned their lives around
  • Know what you think is either holding you back or helping you succeed
  • Notice your mind becoming more orderly and less chaotic, thus keeping you on target for longer periods of time


Module 9: Advance with greater confidence

You will know how to best use the most powerful emotion of them ALL to achieve greater success. You will be shown how to develop it so that you make faster progress towards what you put your mind to.

This is why advancing with greater confidence is important to you…

It will:

  • Mean you are not restricted just because of previous conditioned thinking
  • Make you feel more confident when you approach what needs doing
  • Show you how to ‘do confidence’ when more than half the world claims to lack it

You will:

  • Seek out mentors for greater success
  • Plan when/how to contact them
  • Know what to ask them
  • Know how to use the most powerful emotion to advance to your aspirations


Module 10: Formulate your best self-image

You can never consistently outperform the perception you hold of yourself. You can, however, change and improve it.

This is why formulating your best self-image is important to you…

It will:

  • Show you how to change your self-image in just minutes
  • Shift how you see your contribution in work and life and give you powerful new meaning to what you do
  • Prove that improving your self-image changes your behaviour

You will:

  • Know how to experience and enjoy feeling self-worth
  • Feel valuable in what you do
  • Develop your imagination for greater success
  • Define what the right self-image is for you
  • Know how to condition your mind for the right self-image


Module 11: Increase your contribution

Only those who meaningfully contribute flourish and make a difference in business and life. Unless you feel you can contribute at your highest levels, you will have feelings of frustration in all that you do. Feeling valued is one of our deepest needs.

This is why increasing your contribution is important to you… 

It will:

  • Stop you guessing how you can help others
  • Direct you on how to change your contribution with just one word
  • Teach 4 principles that will skyrocket your relationships with people
  • Challenge you to use 4 principles to make a difference today

You will:

·      Notice people want to spend more time with you as you contribute more

·      Be inspirational to your colleagues and others

·      Have a 4-step principled plan to deliver more and be happier in what you do

·      Cultivate the feelings of being valued by yourself and others

·      Use what you already have to improve your life and others you touch


Module 12: Achieve a 7-day goal

You will see that you can achieve more than you probably thought in just 7 days.

 This is why achieving a 7-day goal is important to you…

It will:

  • Define what you want to achieve in the next 7 days
  • Chart and measure your day-to-day progress
  • Create a plan for your success

You will:

  • Reconnect with what is important to you in life and why
  • Have clarity as to what to work on and why
  • Have a worthwhile cause to achieve
  • Think with success in mind

Sounds amazing - Register Here

Recommended Study

All the modules have study recommendations if you want to further expand your knowledge. These include but are not limited to references in each module.

Refresh and Recharge

Weekly after each module an email is sent directly to your inbox.  Each one contains high-value material that fits in perfectly with its corresponding module. It’s a great way to reinforce all the good things that make for a great life and fulfilling success. Many are used in my high-end one-to-one programs.  


Is there something else you need?

If there are resources that you need that are not in the Potential Into Results program, just ask me via email and let’s see if I can help.

Ask Paul - Q&A

As part of the Potential Converted Into Results Program you have 12 months of access to a live forum. Here you can ask me questions so you can continue your quick progress. 

30 -Day Money Back Guarantee

Join me risk free. You can see and experience the results that you are heading towards in our first 30 days together. You can therefore judge for yourself if you would like to stay in the program.

It will give you time to see the impact this will have on you and your people. If it’s not what I say and more, simply ask for your money back with a no questions asked money back guarantee.

Additional $10,000 Bonus

There is also access to a $10,000 bonus video on how to generate the right conditions for your success. Many consider this priceless. It is step-by-step information that shows you how to generate the conditions you need to succeed.


In Addition

2 CDs delivered immediately into your inbox taken from my premium One 2 One program.

Where your attention goes your energy flows

A simple yet amazingly powerful audio on how to set up your day to be successful.

The True Cause Of Achievements - strategies that work! 

International consultant and former International Cricketer Richard Petrie interviews Paul to obtain the very best insider secrets on success and achievement.



What You Should Do — Right Now…

By now, it should be clearly evident that my Potential Converted Into Results program is something you MUST, at least, try out for the next 30 days without obligation.

By going here you be able to test-drive the program and start your progress in a way that caters to your growth and ongoing development. It has been well thought through and every module is clear, purposeful and designed for you to be more successful.  

If you’re ready to order go here click here or contact Paul directly to secure your places. 


Contact  [email protected]

The contents of each program and the emphasis on each area may vary depending on what is best suited at the time to help you achieve your Professional Prime Aspiration.

There is a no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee in the spirit of moral and ethical business.   So you can register with totally confidence and assurance.  If it is not what I say and more you simple get to keep all the materials and knowledge as my way of saying ‘thank you for the opportunity.’  You’ve nothing to lose and some extra-ordinary results to gain. 

Any questions email: [email protected]

Earnings Disclaimer We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in effective, hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, creating a great life and serving others with excellence and constancy. Our programs are intended to help you improve your life and to make a difference in the world while growing personally and professionally. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavour or professional continuing education program. Please don't enrol in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" myth or ideology; we only want serious people dedicated to real professional and personal development who want to add value and move humanity forward. As stipulated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; we give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings or better performance, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any entrepreneurial endeavour. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It's basic stuff -- don't think you're guaranteed to make money easily or at all, consult professionals before starting/operating businesses, understand there is risk in being an entrepreneur, or applying these ideas or strategies in business etc -- but we feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our pages, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, seek wisdom, understanding and knowledge so you can aimed to enjoy life more.